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Wise Words With American Heroes

To celebrate Veterans Day and honor the service members who call Pegasus Senior Living communities home, we proudly introduce our communities’ veterans.

Pegasus Senior Living | Frank CAt 96-years-young we’d first like to introduce Frank. He served in the United States Air Force during WWII and continued his service in the Air Force Reserves for 42 years. We’d like to applaud Fran, his wife of over 70 years. Together they brighten up The Landing at Queensbury.

When we asked Frank if there was anything he would tell his younger self if he could, he drew a big smile on his face and said, “To do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. Especially marrying my beautiful wife.”

Our veterans complete our communities with their life lessons, stories, and good humor. If they could go back in time, here’s what they would tell themselves:

Pegasus Senior Living | Allen TretteneroName: Allen Trettenero
Branch: Air Force
Years of Service: Two

“Be yourself and live your life.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Alvin Stuthard

Name: Alvin Stuthard
Branch: Army, Coast Guard Dates of Service: Coast Guard 1946, Army 1951-1953

“Get involved with the Forest Rangers!”

Name: Ben Lancaster
Branch: Air Force
Years of Service: Four

“Progress, and I have seen a lot.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Bill DonaldsonPegasus Senior Living | Bill DonaldsonName: Bill Donaldson
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two

“Work harder at your job.”

Name: Bill Nisbett
Branch: National Guard, Army
Years of Service: Six and a half

“8 days after graduation, I went to Fort Knox, and my parents had to sign consent. They said, ‘if that’s what you wanna do,’ but I’d say leave Mississippi.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Bob HorwitzPegasus Senior Living | Bob HorwitzName: Bob Horwitz
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Three

“Join the Navy because it is cleaner.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Bob RossName: Bob Ross
Years of Service: 12

“Don’t worry, you’re going to have a wonderful life.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Dan BrockName: Dan BrockPegasus Senior Living | Dan Brock
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two

“Learn a Trade. Don’t sit behind a desk. Be independent and be your own boss.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Darrell McMahanPegasus Senior Living | Darrell McMahanName: Darrell McMahan
Branch: U.S. Air Force
Years of Service: Six

“Try to live a better life and be kind to others. Be a more positive person.”

Pegasus Senior Living | David OrrName: David Orr
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1943-1946

“Either fix it or forget it.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Deanna WelshName: Deanna Welsh
Branch: Marine Corps
Years of Service: Four

“I would have stayed in longer.”

Name: Derrold LeePegasus Senior Living | Derrold Lee
Branch: Navy
Years of service: Six

“Be who I am and stick to it.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Dick JamesName: Dick James
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Four

“I learned a lot.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Don AndersonName: Don Anderson
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two

“Get out of ROTC.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Don FraiserName: Don Frasier
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1943-1956

“Continue to allow God to lead your life. I made choices growing up, and then God would change it.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Dwayne ProffName: Dwayne Proff
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Four 

“The Navy was a good experience and allowed me to travel.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Ed LivengoodName: Ed Livengood
Branch: U.S. Army
Years of Service: Four

“Best thing you did was to join the service because of all the benefits and amenities you will receive in the future.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Ed MartinezPegasus Senior Living | Ed MartinezName: Ed Martinez
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Ten

“Be helpful and kind to everyone.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Frank HigginsPegasus Senior Living | Frank HigginsName: Frank Higgins
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Three


Pegasus Senior Living | Frank Van BuskirkName: Frank Van Buskirk
Branch: Army
Dates of Service: 1952-1954

“Don’t smoke. Don’t drink.”

Name: Fred Whitaker
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Three

“Stick with one girlfriend at a time.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Gary FoxName: Gary Fox
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1953-1955

“Take care of yourself, and keep a good mouth.”

Name: Gary Moon
Branch: Marine Corps
Dates of Service: 1976-1978

“It was different, but I wouldn’t do it again.”

Pegasus Senior Living | George BakerName: George Baker
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1956-1959

“Stay out of trouble. Trouble is fun but makes things harder.”

Name: George Hill
Branch: Navy, Air Force
Years of Service: Six

“Join the national guard and get a good retirement.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Glenn BrownName: Glen Brown
Branch: Marines
Years of Service: Seven

“Stop and think – I didn’t know everything.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Glenn TuckName: Glenn Tuck
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1944-1946

“Don’t volunteer for anything.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Hugh McMillanName: Hugh McMillan
Branch: Navy, Air Force
Dates of Service: 1944-1952

“I took an oath when I joined the Navy, I took an oath when I joined the Air Force, and I took an oath when I joined the CIA: I swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I am proud of that.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Jack McGruderPegasus Senior Living | Jack McGruderName: Jack McGruder
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Eight

“You are not bulletproof!”

Name: James Stuckey
Branch: National Guard
Years of Service: Six

“Save more money.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Jim RobertsPegasus Senior Living | James RobertsName: Jim Roberts
Branch: Marines
Years of Service: Six

“Get your doctorate degree in engineering.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Joseph AndersonName: Joe Anderson
Branch: Air Force
Dates of Service: 1942-1946

“You are going to be happy.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Joe IwattaName: Joe Iwatta
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two

“If you are going to start something, finish what you started.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Joe BordersPegasus Senior Living | Joe BordersName: Joseph Borders
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two

“Do not jump out of an airplane voluntarily.”

Pegasus Senior Living | John CoprenName: John Copren
Branch: Army
Years of Service: 12

“I would try harder to apply myself. I was too young. I didn’t know how to focus on myself.”

Pegasus Senior Living | JohnName: John Hagan
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Four

“Be a better husband and work at it harder than you did.”

Name: Kivi Walonen
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Six

“I did well, I believe.”

Name: Linda Jones

“Get as much information as you can. Ask questions and do your research. Also, be true to yourself.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Louise AlvarezName: Louise Alvarez
Branch: Army, Navy
Years of Service: Eight

“Be honest.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Lowell Joerg, ResidentName: Lowell Joerg
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1951-1955

“Get the best education you can get.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Murray FriedmanPegasus Senior Living | Murray FriedmanName: Murry Friedman
Branch: United States Army Air Forces
Dates of Service: 1944-1946

“I would do it the same all over again.”

Pegasus Senior Living | MikePegasus Senior Living | Mike KatzmanName: Meyer “Mike” Katzman
Branch: Army, Air Force
Years of Service: Three

“I would be mad at the Government because of anti-Semitic views and I’m owed back pay.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Myron JohnsrudPegasus Senior Living | Myron JohnsrudName: Myron Johnsrud
Branch: Air Force
Dates of Service: 1953-1957

“Plan ahead.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Paul LancaraName: Paul Lancara
Branch: Army
Year of Service: One and a half

“Stay out of the military.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Paul WacknovPegasus Senior Living | Paul WacknovName: Paul Wacknov
Branch: Air Force
Years of Service: Four

“Maintain a good attitude.”

Name: Reanus Patterson
Branch: Army
Years of Service: 18

“Always tell the truth.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Richard PettitName: Richard Pettit
Branch: Army
Dates of Service: 1951-1954

“I would’ve stayed in the service whether the Army, Navy, or Air Force. As such a young person, I would have the opportunity to grow physically & mentally.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Richard RoseName: Richard Rose
Branch: Marine Corps
Years of Service: Eight

“Be more friendly to others.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Richard SolmanName: Richard Solman
Branch: Army
Dates of Service: 1945-1947

“Always have a plan.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Rick BurkmanName: Rick Buckman
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two and a half

“I was a Purple Heart veteran, so I would tell my younger self to stay in the service.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Ron BoltonName: Ron Bolton
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Three

“There is the Good, Bad, and Ugly. There was more Good and More Ugly, but I would do it again.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Samuel SimsPegasus Senior Living | Samuel SimsName: Samuel Sims
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: 24

“Don’t give up on your dreams of success.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Tom MillsName: Tom Mills
Branch: Air Force
Years of Service: Four

“The Air Force taught me what rules are for; it helped me grow up. I was able to finish High School in the military and  get my degree.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Tony WalkerName: Tony Walker
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1972-1974

“Be more confident in yourself.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Walt SeibertName: Walter Seibert
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two

“Don’t give up.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Wes LloydName: Wes Lloyd
Branch: U.S. Air Force
Years of Service: Five

“Get a good education. I wish I had gone into finance.”

Pegasus Senior Living |William “Bill” WhiteName: William “Bill” White
Branch: Marine Corps
Dates of Service: Joined 1934

Be honest with yourself.”

Veteran Team Members

Our residents aren’t the only veterans in the Pegasus Senior Living family. We salute team members who transferred their time in the service to enrich our communities.

Creston Village Health and Wellness Director Sherry McCormick joined the United States Army Reserve at 17.

Pegasus Senior Living | Sherry McCormick“I was fortunate enough to receive both EMT and nursing training through the Army,” she says.

McCormick spent most of her military career on active duty at Fort Sam Houston, Fort Lewis, Fort Leavenworth, and Madigan Army Hospital at Fort Lewis, Washington.

Pegasus Senior Living | Sherry McCormick“One piece of advice I would give is to choose your career in the armed forces wisely,” says McCormick. “Choose a path you want. This advice was given to me prior to my enlistment, and it has served me well.”


Memories of Service

Pegasus Senior Living | Charlie DrakeMany Pegasus Senior Living communities include indoor and outdoor places to gather and trade tales. If you know anything about military service, you know it comes with many stories.

We learn so much about veteran residents from hearing the experiences they share with the community.

Charlie Drake served in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War from 1953-1956. He then served in the Marine Corps Reserves for another six years before marrying his lovely wife, Rita, 45 years ago.

When he thinks back on his time of service, Charlie enthusiastically replies,

“Staying in the Marines was one of the best things I’ve ever done!”

Here are a few of our favorite memories of service:

Pegasus Senior Living | AC Mitchell, ResidentName: Adrian “AC” Mitchell
Branch: Air Force
Dates of Service: 1947-1952

“It was fun! I enjoyed it; I got to see Alaska & England.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Alan PackardName: Alan Packard
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: 1961-1965

“I served in Texas, Okinawa, Korea, and Guam, patching up planes with parts from those that were no longer in service. I ended my service at McCord AFB in Tacoma working on the Flight Line. I loved it. Spit and polish. Everything by the numbers. Don’t talk back!”

Pegasus Senior Living | Betty BoydName: Betty Boyd
Branch: Women’s Army Corps
Dates of Service: 1944-1945

“I served in Ft. Des Moines Iowa as a physical therapy aid. I remember the Italian and German prisoners of war there. No matter what experience it is, I don’t think you’ll ever forget it. The best part is that I met my husband.”

Name: Bobby Haynes
Branch: U.S. Army Signal Corp

“I could send and receive Morse Code simultaneously at 25 words per minute!”

Pegasus Senior Living | Clark SlatteryName: Clark Slattery
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Three

I served on the USS Orca, and was the last of the original crew to be discharged because I was such a good crew member. I remember when a suicide bomber missed the ship by 50 yards. Do what you’re supposed to and to the best of your ability. Always!”

Pegasus Senior Living | Curtis GeeName: Curtis Gee
Branch: E5 Specialist
Dates of Service: 1968

“I am one of the courageous disabled veterans. During my tour of duty, I was unfortunately in a Jeep accident and suffered a concussion.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Gene FriedName: Gene Fried
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Four

“I followed my brother into the service and enjoyed it very much. After leaving the service I lived in Korea and taught American Army children for over 40 years.”

Name: Jeff Parker
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Two and a half years

“I was 17, not expecting anything, and just had to take orders.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Joe MillsName: Joe Mills
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Four

“I served in an engineering division. I remember being at Fort Knox when a tornado hit, and saw two large barracks lift up into the air. Several airplanes and helicopters were destroyed.”

Name: Kurt Buck
Branch: Air Force
Dates of Service:1957-1961

“It was kind of fun except when it got to serious things.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Marion DarbyName: Marion K. Darby
Branch: Army
Dates of Service: 1951-1953

“My last duty call was Guard Watch. Our company of men was assigned to guard the White House and the city of Washington, D.C. from a possible invasion of our enemies.”

Name: Margaret “Peg” Tamberella
Branch: Air Force
Dates of Service: 1951-1957

“I liked going around the world. It was nice. It is where I met my husband. It’s a good life.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Paul KollefrathName: Paul Kollefrath
Branch: Army
Dates of Service: 1966-1968

“From the very first day in the service, I was called ‘Alphabet.’ The reason is that no one could read or pronounce my last name: Kollefrath! To make things worse, I had an unbreakable habit of talking too much. I spent two years of service doing push-ups and washing lots of pots and pans. Later in life, it made me a great husband in the kitchen.”

Name: Robert “Bob” McCabe
Branch: Army Air Force
Dates of Service: 1944-1946

“I was a young man out of high school when I joined the Army Air Force, worked with B24 bombers, and fought in WWII. It was an experience, but when I had the chance to re-join, I did not.”

Pegasus Senior Living | Ted YoungName: Ted Young
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1947-1952

“I remember serving on the aircraft carrier, Minora. We loaded aircraft oin Quebec and took them to Italy and stationed them for two months. I was also in Lakehurst, New Jersey in a Blitz Squadron when Korea broke out.”

A Hero’s Story

In February of 1945, a twenty-year-old Karl Appel was two years into his service with the 3rd Marine Division of the United States Marine Corps in Iwo Jima, Japan.

Pegasus Senior Living | Karl AKarl ran across an open field to take cover in a foxhole while enemy forces fired from above. A bullet narrowly missed the left side of his head but traveled down his leg, striking his ankle and heel.

With the adrenaline pumping through his body and unaware of the bullet wound, he jumped feet first into a fox hole.

Down in the hole, he suddenly felt as if a baseball bat struck his leg. He reached into his ruck with intense pain and took out Sulfa powder and gauze to dress his wound. While bullets continue to reign down, he covers the bright white gauze in camouflage netting so as not to be an easy target for opposing forces to spot.

Pegasus Senior Living | Karl AppelTargeted bullets would fall with every scoop of his shovel into the volcanic ash as he dug deeper and deeper into the foxhole.

Eventually found by a corpsman, Karl is ordered to attempt to get to safety. Crawling from foxhole to foxhole while dodging gunfire, he makes it to an aid station.

He is quickly rushed onto an amphibious tank with fellow wounded soldiers. Hand in hand, they support each other on the ride to a naval ship awaiting them.

Pegasus Senior Living | Karl AKarl describes his gunshot as a “million-dollar wound.” It was severe enough to take him out of combat and send him back home. He spent about a year in Guam before returning home, where the military awarded him a Purple Heart for his service in the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Karl now calls Creston Village in Paso Robles, CA, home. Thank you for your service, Karl.

Thank You to Our Veterans

Pegasus Senior Living | Jim

At The Seasons of Reno, in Nevada, we’re thankful for proud veterans and proud Americans like Jim and Don. They consider serving their country as the most important thing a person could do. The pair are active and cherished residents of their community and friends to many.

Pegasus Senior Living | Don M

Jim served as a pilot in the U.S. Army during WWII. Don served in the Montana Reserve Army National Guard for a year before joining the Navy from 1959 to 1963.

We’d like to give an additional salute to the following veterans:

Pegasus Senior Living | Al JensonName: Al Jensen
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Three

Pegasus Senior Living | Carl E. CooperPegasus Senior Living | Carl E. CooperName: Carl E. Cooper
Chief Master at Arms
Branch: Navy
Dates of service: 1954-1977

Pegasus Senior Living | Charles DrewName: Charles “Chuck” Drew
Branch: Navy Reserve, Air Force
Years of Service: Eleven

Pegasus Senior Living | David ChinName: David Chin
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Two months

Name: Donald Allmer
Branch: Navy
Dates of Service: 1951-1955

Pegasus Senior Living | Donna RedpathName: Donna Redpath
Branch: Air Force
Years of Service: Six

Pegasus Senior Living | Dorothy PersonsName: Dorothy Persons
Branch: Air Force
Years of Service: Two

Pegasus Senior Living | Doug MorrisonName: Doug Morrison
Branch: Royal Canadian Navy Reserves
Years of Service: Two

Pegasus Senior Living | Eugene Warren BellPegasus Senior Living | Warren BellName: Eugene Bell
Branch: Coast Guard

Pegasus Senior Living | George HisamotoName: George Hisamoto
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two

Pegasus Senior Living | Gus AlmquistPegasus Senior Living | Gus AlmquistName: Gus Almquist
Branch: Air Force
Years of service: 23

Pegasus Senior Living | John Snow BellName: John Snow Bell
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Four

Pegasus Senior Living | Melvin GoodeName: Melvin Goode
Branch: Air Force
Years of Service: 20

Pegasus Senior Living | Richard WolfskillPegasus Senior Living | Richard WolfskillName: Richard Wolfskill
Staff Sergeant
Branch: Air Force
Dates of service: 1952-1956

Name: Robert D. YatesPegasus Senior Living | Robert Yates
Branch: Army Air Force
Years of Service: Two

Pegasus Senior Living | Russel ChamberlainName: Russel Chamberlain
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Four

Pegasus Senior Living | Thomas CarrolName: Thomas Carrol
Branch: Army
Years of Service: Two

Pegasus Senior Living | Vernon FPegasus Senior Living | Vernon FName: Vernon Fierre
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: 1948-1953

Name: Dorwin R. Hunter
Branch: Navy

Pegasus Senior Living | William RieffName: William Rieff
Branch: Navy
Years of Service: Three

Pegasus Senior Living | James RobertsName: James Roberts

And we most certainly want to thank:

Edward Jasek
Norrie Supnet
Phil Dunnaway
Richard Kenney
Roy Rigsby
Terry Haydon
William James
William “Bill” McGil

Name: Norrie Supnet

Name: Phil Dunnaway

Name: Richard Kenney

Name: Roy Rigsby

Name: Terry Haydon

Name: William James

William “Bill” McGil


We Support Our Veterans

From memory walls to parades, we hope our veterans know how much they mean to our communities. It’s a high honor to serve those who bravely served our country.
Happy Veterans Day.

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